Golf Courses

Of all the types of grass that can be maintained, golf course managers have perhaps the biggest challenge in front of them. A golf course not only needs to look nice, but the grass has to be perfectly healthy and smooth to keep golfers coming back for more holes. A golf course sweeper isn’t just a handy tool to have, but a necessary piece of equipment for fairway grass health. We’ll show you how a sweeper can help.

Why a Sweeper Is an Essential Piece of Fairway Turf Care Equipment

Golf courses require a lot of upkeep because in order to play a good round, the turf must be pristine. That’s why a Sweep-All sweeper is an essential part of golf course grass maintenance. For one, these sweepers are useful to pick up leaves and grass clippings after mowing, which ensures a smooth surface on which golf balls can roll.

Dethatching is another important part of golf course lawn maintenance. Proper golf course dethatching keeps the grass healthy and green — no yellowing or patchy spots. Dethatching accomplishes this by removing a layer of grass clippings and organic material, which gives the grass more room to breathe. It also helps rain or water from sprinkler systems absorb into the turf more quickly.

Last, looks are a big part of golf course grass care. A Sweep-All sweeper is a great piece of fairway grass care equipment because it helps you keep the grass green, smooth and up to par all season.

Why Choose a Sweep-All Golf Course Sweeper?

There are lots of grass sweepers available, but most brands do not feature the sturdy steel construction of Sweep-All sweepers. Each of our models is built to last, which means you won’t be plagued with unreliable equipment down the road.

Additionally, there are several options from which to choose. Our sweepers come in engine-driven and PTO-driven models, which allow you to customize sweeper choices based on the tractors or equipment that you normally use. Lift options for hoppers make emptying the hoppers easier. What’s more, the sweeper heads are adjustable to various heights, which makes it simpler to change between sweeping the rough, the fairway or grass of other lengths.

If you’re looking for a golf course sweeper, then feel free to browse our website. You can also contact us for help choosing the best sweeper to fit your needs!

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